Which store you use to buy games: steam or EPIC?


Found the couch and snacks
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Do you have any favorite store where you buy the games? Like some people use steam or EPIC or even GOG. I wonder what is your favorite store to buy the games. What are some of the games that you have purchased online so far. Any specific preference for the store?

Do you prefer any specific store to buy the games?
Steam, have invested thousands into my library over the years so it'll take more than exclusivity deals to make me consider shopping elsewhere.
Given that Valve are also the main driving force behind Linux gaming, and Epic do diddly squat, I have even more incentive to give my money to Gaben.
It's honestly been a while since I've purchased any games but when I do it's usually through Nintendo or Steam for PC.
Mostly I buy games for steam, I also do it to get the best deal. By buying steam keys from a third-party store site. I have over 190 games on steam and around 40 and over on EPic. Regards to Epic, I always look at the weekly free games and add them if they interest me or not.