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Memory Lane

This is memory lane, a place to discuss things you loved from childhood!

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Resident Old Fart
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Welcome to Memory Lane. I'm very excited to be running this group! Hope we can have some good times.
Looking forward to reminiscing about the past!
Yes. Remembering the good times is good. But sometimes depressing when it's a golden egg compared to what you have going on today in life.
Yes. Remembering the good times is good. But sometimes depressing when it's a golden egg compared to what you have going on today in life.
Yeah.. not gunna lie, I do feel that tinge of deep sadness looking back.
Is there a certain person, a woman, that you spent a lot of time with back then that made those times memorable?
Not a woman, no. By then I was not particularly interested in romance. My friends though, and thr mrmories with them, that's different.
Had some great times with friends when I was still in school. Definitely made some great memories.
Hell yeah, man. I still remember the sleepovers with friends and stuff like that I used to do!
This one kid had a pool which was unusual for the UK. Absolutely loved the sleepover/pool party we had at his place.
My next door neighbor used to have a pool! ait was an above ground type. It was really fun! We used to have parties there all the time.

I'm excited to be part of this group and thanks for having me!
Its great to have you here! Thanks for joining!
I've always wanted to jump into one of those above ground pools. Never seen one in real life and the idea of it just fascinates me lol
I've always wanted to jump into one of those above ground pools. Never seen one in real life and the idea of it just fascinates me lol
Oh they're pretty cool. They had an elevated platform where the adults watched us swim.