Your greatest achievement

Keeping me from suicide i guess, been a tough battle during my teens.
Lets see. I think I might have a list of minor achievements.
  • Having kids and being there for them through hell and high water.
  • Getting divorced. I paid for it all.
  • Owning my 2016 Ford Escape.
  • Being a co-owner of my house. My grandmother owns the other half.
  • Holding down a full time job.
  • Stayed away from illegal narcotics my whole life.
  • Stayed away from alcohol and liquor most of my life.
  • I upgraded my driver's license recently so I can fly.
  • Paid off a credit card that my ex wife ran up in 2020.
  • I rebuilt my movie collection and bought everything on Blu Ray.
- Meeting and marrying my hubby.
- Being married to the same person for almost 20 years.
- My hubby and I being financially stable at this point in our lives.
- We may not own a fancy house but we have a roof over our heads.
- We've managed to pay off a couple of bills towards the end of last year so we have very little in the way of bills right now.
My greatest and most impactful achievement in life is being able to graduate from college. It was tough but I managed to just edge it.