You're fired

Only had one proper job so far so this hasn't happened to me. Hopefully, it's not something I ever have to go through because it would be awful :(
I've been laid off due to financial reasons but never fired. Even though I've been "let go" it's not quite the same and my resume doesn't hurt from it.

I was told once that something I said to someone could have gotten me fired! I had found out through a friend how much everyone made at the company and I talked about it with another close friend there. She told on me to her boos who was a higher up and that boss had a chat with both of us how it was against company policy to discuss salary. I didn't know that. But I wasn't fired because I was only ignorant and not malicious.
I worked at a gas station for a few months when I was 22. It didn't work out and the owner calmly took me into her office and politely told me that she was letting me go.