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  1. F

    What age should kids get a cell phone?

    I got my first cell phone at 16. I think that I was quite too old. I am going to give my kids an Android tab at 8. It wouldn't be able to make calls. Just to watch educational cartoons and stuff.
  2. F

    Are companies paying a good wage?

    I worked as a high school teacher and my salary was an equivalent of $20. After 2 years, they increased it to $25. I had to leave the job and start my fashion business. And I am grateful that I did so.
  3. F

    At what age should someone be able to get married?

    So you are already married? Never thought of it. You must be quite a young achiever. A 20 year old person in my country is struggling to gain admission into college. The age that I think that a male should consider getting married in my country is 30 years old while 23 for a female.
  4. F

    Do you believe that firms should lower the size of their products rather than raise prices?

    I think that it is best for a firm to engage with it's customers to find out which approach to take that would suit them. For me, I prefer a rational price increase than a reduction in quantity or quality.
  5. F

    Do you believe in soul?

    You see anything that has to do with spirituality and metaphysical, I don't bother myself about them because the more you look, the less you see. I know that man has a spirit. I don't know about that if animals.
  6. F

    Assisted Suicide

    Assisted suicide is for lily livered people. Taking your own life should never be an option regardless of what you are going through. People are going through worse situations.
  7. F

    Statue of Liberty

    This statue has been very symbolic to a lot of Americans. For some people, it is this struggle that the statue represents that has given them the freedom they enjoy now as American citizens.
  8. F

    Politicians causing panic?

    I always think that it is a deliberate strategy to distract the masses and give them what to occupy themselves with while they wreck the entire country. At least, that's what has been happening in my country.
  9. F

    18+ warnings

    I don't know if there is any way that adult sites could control minors from accessing the site apart from the normal warning. IP addresses don't reveal the age of the user.
  10. F

    Capital Punishment

    There are certain crimes that capital punishment should be adopted for. One of such is rape, statutory rape and pedophilia should face the death penalty.