Ask Kyng

Would you swim the English Channel if someone offered you money?
How is your family handling it?
My parents are actually handling it pretty well - although, they didn't go out much anyway, so it has been easier for them :p .

It's harder for my sister and my grandmother, because they both live alone. However, the latter has been vaccinated, so it's not all bad :) .

If you were to drive 50mins from the north where would you end up in?

Somewhere near Lancaster.

Would you swim the English Channel if someone offered you money?

No, I would probably sink :'( .
Are you going to get the vaccine?
Favourite place to visit in the UK?
What's your favorite British tourist destination?
If your life had a theme song what would it be?
How's your Valentine's Day weekend looking?
Favorite city in Europe to visit?
What's your favourite British brand?
McLaren. Can't afford to buy one, though :p .

What's your favorite British tourist destination?
Oxford, mainly because my sister lives there now, and I studied there at university.

If your life had a theme song what would it be?
At this point, "Still Alive" from Portal is about the most optimistic thing I can come up with :p .

How's your Valentine's Day weekend looking?
Nothing romantic (since I'm single), but I did take Friday off work, since I just needed a break. That three-day weekend was a nice breather.

What are your top 3 pet peeves?

- The recent trend of "Just do everything on your phone", instead of having specific devices for things. The more you rely on your phone, the more you rely on one single point of failure (which, in my experience, often fails when I most need it >_< )
- "If you can't beat them, join them". Annoys the heck out of me, because I'm not a very confrontational person - which means that, if I'm trying to 'beat them' to begin with, then it means I've *already* decided that 'joining them' is unacceptable.
- Model trains that keep derailing :p .

Favorite city in Europe to visit?
Hamburg. I've only been once, but it has Miniatur Wunderland, which is reason enough for me to pick it :p .

How would you describe your personality?
Quirky :p . But calm... most of the time!

deal or dare to kill
Ummm, is this some reference that just went over my head?
What was the scariest thing that has happened to you?
Have you been to a haunted house?
What was the scariest thing that has happened to you?
Probably when I was at a holiday village, and I got completely separated from the rest of my family for about half an hour. We all found each other in the end, but it was rather nerve-racking while I searched for everyone else!

Have you been to a haunted house?
No, but I'd quite like to one day.

What is the stupidest way you got a scar?
I know I've got paper cuts from turning pages in the past... pretty clumsy of me :p .

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