Ask M-D

How long will it be before you ignore Empire's questions?
My apologies, I didn't see his question. I went back and answered it.
You would fit well in the UK, apologising for things you don't have to apologise for lol :p

Do you keep your photos on your tech devices or do you get some of them printed?
You would fit well in the UK, apologizing for things you don't have to apologize for lol :p
I try not to hurt people's feelings. It's good not to have conflict.

Do you keep your photos on your tech devices or do you get some of them printed?

I have pictures of me and my girlfriend and my kids on my phone. I would like to go on Shutterfly and have them made into pictures and portraits.

Will you travel to the UK then as Ask said

I would like to visit Scotland, Great Britain, and Germany someday.