Ask M-D

Why not take it back up again since you're not going to be dating girls for a while?
Marvel does something like that for a subscription based fee, could help take your mind off your personal woes.

How's your week looking?
How's your week looking?

A little stressful. I found out from my ex wife's parents that she's been into meth and they told me not to help her. They've been having problems with her same as I have. It explains her behavior. She says people are after her and that her phone is tapped and that they might come after us too. Just lots and lots of crazy talk. Now I know where all that money she begged for went to. I told her she wasn't getting another dime out of me. That I'm raising the kids and I'm giving them everything and she's getting zilch.
Meth is becoming a serious problem in the US lately. Hopefully it wasn't Fentanyl laced.

Are you going to go back to court and file for sole custody or just keep the kids from her?
Are you going to go back to court and file for sole custody or just keep the kids from her?

My parents and her parents say there's no need right now for me to take her to court. She doesn't see them anyway. She has no car, she's got no job, and no home. She's in a town 2 hours away. She's staying with a guy who's doing meth too. I did tell her that she can only see the kids if her mom has them on the weekends and if she pushes me that I'll go to my lawyer.

I told her to go to rehab and move in with her mom. Of course like anyone on meth, she calls everyone a liar, and says she's not on drugs. She asks for money and says it's an emergency. Well, apparently it's always an emergency when you're wanting your next fix. I told her that her only emergency is rehab and to go move in with her mom when she's weened off the dope.

She used to be normal up until after the divorce.
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Sorry to hear things turned out bad, not so much for you but for your kids.

Would you rather be trapped in a small space or a room full of clowns?
Favourite vegetable?
These new phones that are coming out. I spent over a decade without a cell phone. I kept a house phone for a while but got rid of it because no one would leave me alone. My ex wife handled all of my phone calls. I finally got a cell phone during my divorce.