Creating New Forum Topics

Who's responsible?

  • Owner & Staff

  • Members Only

  • Combination of Owner/Staff & Members

  • Other (Please Specify)

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Wild Thing
Diamond Member
Reaction score
Catch That Pokémon
Bill Gates... No, Kylie Rich
Just curious as to who you think is responsible on a forum to create new topics.

Please choose who you think from the poll and the reason for your choice :)
I don't think responsibility has anything to do with it. It's a process, not a job or a chore unless you look at it that way. Staff are still members of the forum, who choose to want to help the community. Some people want to go out on the Internet and pursue and create a humble and friendly place for people to chat online and share ideas. My answer to your post, I believe a community as a whole will add topics and posts.
As mentioned above by Terminator it’s not a case of responsibility it’s a case of building a community and topics will be created by everyone as a result of that.
Well, I think the staff need to be involved with it to a certain degree. The staff can't expect someone else to do it all for them. They have to show they care at least a little bit about the community enough to take part. They can also do exchanges to make it look like the forum is active.
I agree with both @Terminated and @JennyorAlice since we're all members of the same family we all should try to keep the flame alive, but the staff has an extra responsability to make members happy with improvements and other things that encourages other people to join and grow together.

Everyone is responsible. If you join a community and you want to see it succeed, you create threads you're passionate about and hope that someone else will contribute. It's usually easier done when you have threads about movies, video games or the like because a lot of people who are part of this culture usually participate in those. The same could be said for hiking, animals and the like as well though.
The staff can get things started, like Jason said, but they still need to pop in from time to time and still participate. You can't expect your community to do everything. Plus, it may seem off putting to some people if the staff never participates in any of the discussions themselves.
Yeah it's pretty much up to everyone. The Staff need to get the ball rolling with a good few topics before they even think about bringing in new members. Then once people start signing up it's good to engage with the members and be responsive when they have questions.
At the moment, I've slowed down posting on my own site since one of the other Admins has began to post more often (and I'm way ahead of everyone else on post count and want them to catch up), so I'm mostly just answering to peoples questions/suggestions. It's working well enough when you consider we've been a kinda slow site since day 1, but once I get some unrelated stuff out of the way I'll begin engaging with the community more frequently.
The owner & staff create the foundation of the forum. IMO, it's up to the members to keep the community going.

The owner & staff are there to make sure the forum rules are being followed and perform other duties that regular members do not have the ability to perform. They are also there to interact with members by asking questions in the threads/posts they make.

They may or may not create new topics depending on how busy they are with other tasks.

Without the foundation, a house (or in this case a forum) cannot stand alone.
Every single person in or out of the forum is important. HAving threads with no replies looks bad, yet having people reply to old threads just as bad also. Having them active looks good and having staff members being active and friendly is good.

Does it look bad having one person posting and no one else :p I say yes in away.
When we're just starting out, staff has the most responsibility. But as it gets active, members cannot rely on staff to create content all the time. A forum needs the participation of everybody to make it a success. One cannot be of the mindset that 'somebody' else will do it.
I used to think it was part of my member's responsibility to help build up the forum by creating threads. The problem is that Christianity Haven is almost 6 years and some members who are very active are reluctant to create new threads. I'm the number one thread maker!

One thing when I do hiring of mods is to let them know it's better for us if they help create threads. That of course isn't always followed by them but at least they know my desires.
I used to think it was part of my member's responsibility to help build up the forum by creating threads. The problem is that Christianity Haven is almost 6 years and some members who are very active are reluctant to create new threads. I'm the number one thread maker!

One thing when I do hiring of mods is to let them know it's better for us if they help create threads. That of course isn't always followed by them but at least they know my desires.
It's good to get new threads going that are fully new content, but even at times having threads and no replies is just as bad. I like to see threads with many replies
Staff, rather the owner should start the lead to create lots of postable topics. However, the owner/staff can't be all the topics/replies so members need to step in and keep a healthy flow. It's tricky, but I've seen sites with only staff posts and they seem pretty poor.
I changed the poll so that it doesn't end @Kylie, I hope you don't mind :)

I think it's always great if both the staff of a forum and the members can help create new content for the forum. I know that I've been slacking recently and haven't been creating new forum topics as much as I should be. Which is why I appreciate everyone that is creating new topics for DH :)