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Official DH's Anime/Manga appreciation Club. All of Japanese culture is welcome as well!

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Death Note, anyone?

One of the best shows ever made. It's been a long time since i watched it.. but i remember waiting a whole week for a new episode! :)
One of the best shows ever made. It's been a long time since i watched it.. but i remember waiting a whole week for a new episode! :)
I've only watched it a little over halfway. I got passed the part where L dies and another boy takes over.
I've only watched it a little over halfway. I got passed the part where L dies and another boy takes over.
Can i ask what prevented you from finishing the show? i can understand that a lot of charm is actually lost when that happens but.. most people would want to know the end :p
Crazy to think that this is over 16 years old now and still holds up incredibly well. Obviously the ending is quite controversial but it's still an incredible anime.
Light is one of the most likeable but also one of the most hateable characters you can ever have in an anime. The manipulation and what not adds to his character so much and at every twist and turn L is there to spoil the fun in some way.
Crazy to think that this is over 16 years old now and still holds up incredibly well. Obviously the ending is quite controversial but it's still an incredible anime.
Light is one of the most likeable but also one of the most hateable characters you can ever have in an anime. The manipulation and what not adds to his character so much and at every twist and turn L is there to spoil the fun in some way.
I remember that all the anime cons that i went to it was full of bands covering the hell out of that song everytime, and Haruhi dancers too!
I remember that all the anime cons that i went to it was full of bands covering the hell out of that song everytime, and Haruhi dancers too!
It's such a classic. I went to a concert recently called Candlelight: Favourite Anime Themes and they played the opening song with violins, etc. It was an incredible experience.
It's such a classic. I went to a concert recently called Candlelight: Favourite Anime Themes and they played the opening song with violins, etc. It was an incredible experience.
I bet that Lilium was covered at that show too! :)