Ever been banned?

A couple of times, although on both occasions I don't feel they were warranted.

There was a Resident Evil fan community I got banned on many years ago - I don't recall the name, but when I asked about it they said my IP had been used to spam porn pictures. It absolutely wasn't me (nor was it anyone else using my PC), but I guess they didn't believe me.

More recently (though still a while ago), I got banned from Xbox Achievements and I don't really know why.. I suspect it had something to do with posting a guide on how to unlock a missable achievement through a "sketchy" method, which can be used for a process dubbed as gamesaving.. However, the process simply involved deleting a bit of your own game data from your profile that you otherwise wouldn't have access to.
WHat's the name of the community?
PM me if you really want to know and I'll share.

That's terrible. They shouldn't be allowed to ban you based on your religious or political views as well over an opinion. I'm very curious to know what forum this was.

That's what I wanna know lol.

Replied to your PM with the link.
PM me if you really want to know and I'll share.

Replied to your PM with the link.
Thanks and I'm very sorry that happened. I was warned by several people not to join another forum because of abusive the staff was. I did not listen. Glad they're gone now.
It is what it is. I try to run a community as a democracy. I make affirmative decisions regarding what gets implemented when; but, I try to make it open to the members on what they'd like to see.
PM me if you really want to know and I'll share.
If they are very bad and make to much trouble making then say yes to this quote. and or quote the message in PM with the name.

There was a Resident Evil fan community I got banned on many years ago - I don't recall the name, but when I asked about it they said my IP had been used to spam porn pictures. It absolutely wasn't me (nor was it anyone else using my PC), but I guess they didn't believe me.
And yet where is the proof? they just can't ban anyone unless it's real and they 100% know it's you. Unless the IP you have is hacked. UNless you need sent pics :p
I was banned on a Club Penguin forum when I first started messing around with forums because I copied them. I did try to copy them, to be fair so it was a fair ban. But I was a kid so I didn't know how to make graphics and thought it was fine ? .

That was my first proper lesson in what copyright was.
Lol this is pretty much my story too, got banned from my very first forum because I set up my own and plagiarized a lot of their stuff like walkthroughs & graphics... I was a super naive 12 year old and just assumed they all took the walkthroughs from the official guides, and i really didn't even try to imagine how they got their hands on the graphics.

The worst part is that they just warned me at first for "plagiarism", but I had never even heard that word before and didn't bother looking it up (I actually thought they were praising me!) so I kept doing it and only realized I messed up when they finally banned me hahaha.
Look what I found guys ? . So this was obviously from https://clubpenguinplanet.forumotion.com/. Just in case someone comes across this and didn't see my previous post, I was very young, new to the world of forums and had no idea what I was doing. Obviously, I don't do this now :p

Wounder if they will unban you if you requested it :p
In my younger days I was banned from Forum Promotion, around 2009 ish when I was young, dumb, and thought I knew everything. I'm honestly not sure why or what I did to get banned but oh well. Kids will be kids I guess lol.
In my younger days I was banned from Forum Promotion, around 2009 ish when I was young, dumb, and thought I knew everything. I'm honestly not sure why or what I did to get banned but oh well. Kids will be kids I guess lol.
Did not know that lol I would not think you were a ban type person.
NO WAIT! I think I did. I was a part of Clock Crew back in the day when I was an edgelord teen lol. I got chill pilled a couple times and temp banned at least once there I think.
Yeah a couple times for complete BS. lol
Yes, I've been banned from a Christian site that was similar to MySpace and I'm a Christian! They didn't agree with my denomination's beliefs even though we're biblical and banned myself and my friend (we're both Lutheran). I wasn't going to retract my beliefs just to continue to post on their site.