Free forum supplier recommendations?


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I'm considering moving from tapatalk as tapatalk has very limited support, limited add ons, limited theme control and well, limited everything it seems.

Plus a lot of people seem to hate it. Don't know why.


I've tried jcink but that seems to have broken add ons and some basic features are missing. Plus it requires you to edit a lot of code for simple things and then put those codes in each individual theme. I've been looking at mybb but can't find a free host to even try out the software.

Basically I'm looking for a forum provider that has the following in built or available with plugins:

Free (I can't afford paid forums)
Mobile friendly option.
Likes system.
Awards system.
Multiple themes option.
Styled usernames.
Uses plugins as opposed to coding.
Non rude and power hungry support staff.

Not necessary but would like the option;


Also, preferred is not requiring a separate host but if a host is required it needs to be easy to install on that host (free hosting at that - with possible option to upgrade for a cheap price). Not a software that requires extensive knowledge in coding and web based hosting.

Note: can't be proboards.
So why not proboards?

They have been incredibly rude to me in the past (including staff insulting me in pm) and deleted my board without any prior warnings and refused to say why. They even deleted my backup board that only had been posted on for about a day.

The software itself is great but it's run by some not very nice people and there would always be a risk of board deletion for no reason given their weird vendetta against my boards.
They have been incredibly rude to me in the past (including staff insulting me in pm) and deleted my board without any prior warnings and refused to say why. They even deleted my backup board that only had been posted on for about a day.

The software itself is great but it's run by some not very nice people and there would always be a risk of board deletion for no reason given their weird vendetta against my boards.
Damn that sucks. Thats the issue with free hosts. The host can strike it at any point. I never had any problems with them. If it was around still I would have suggested Invisionfree.
SHIT i could have used the domain SHIT
000Webhost + MyBB + .cf or .tk domain (which are free).

I will look into those. I have a tk domain atm but it seems to be intermittent when it decides to load the forums or not. And I've noticed it doesn't let me use mobile view. Tk forces desktop mode.

I will look into those. I have a tk domain atm but it seems to be intermittent when it decides to load the forums or not. And I've noticed it doesn't let me use mobile view. Tk forces desktop mode.

Hmm... try freenom, they are the best!
Yeah freenom is awesome. They were the best for a broke ass teen. :D
000Webhost + MyBB + .cf or .tk domain

I'm thoroughly confused on this whole mybb setup. I have no idea what chmod is -and googling it it seems to have something to do with linux. I don't understand what linux has to do with setting up mybb, is where it is on about chmod.

I've followed this guide: but it has no indication of how I'm supposed to get to the installer.
Glad you got it resolved @Chel. Let us know if you need any assistance, I've got quite a lot of experience with MyBB and it is my favourite free forum software :)
I'm struggling with the plugins now. Trying to install this plugin -

The readme I can only open in notepad on my computer since Microsoft word is now a paid for application (thanks Microsoft ¬_¬).

What I've managed to read of the read me file just goes over my head.
I'm uploading what I think is the right file to the plugin area in the file manager on the webhost but I get a message in plugin section of admin panel saying it can't find it or something. I will have to take a screenshot of the message as I can't remember exact wording.
I'm uploading what I think is the right file to the plugin area in the file manager on the webhost but I get a message in plugin section of admin panel saying it can't find it or something. I will have to take a screenshot of the message as I can't remember exact wording.
If you want, I can do that for you with FTP access.

If not, make sure to upload everything to the right folders. There are two files that need to go in the home directory. The rest need to be uploaded to the appropriate folders (inc/plugins etc.)
If you could just let me know which files go where it'd be awesome. I'm not sure when I'll next be on the computer. Hopefully tonight.