How often do you do computer maintenance?


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I know that I should put more effort into cleaning up my computer regularly but I honestly can't recall the last time I've discarded unwanted files, clear my cache, etc. What do you do for computer maintenance and how often do you do it?
I discard unwanted files, clear my cache, etc. every 3 - 6 months. Probably should be doing it more often but I just don't remember to do it.
My desktop gets more maintenance than my laptop. Meaning it gets cleaned once from dust, keeping the fans clear so that they can spine full max when doing heavy things.

Software gets updated when there is an update.
I'll replace the coolant in my water loop every 6 months, do a full strip down & block clean every year. I just do OS cleanup stuff whenever I remember to, which is every couple of months.
Every 6 months. That includes thermal paste changes and overall cleaning. Less than that will make me feel really obsessed with it.
I hadn't even thought about hardware maintenance until you guys mentioned it! I can't remember the last time I turned on my desktop computer. I probably need to give it a really good dusting before powering it on.
I had software for taking on malware, viruses, doing tune-ups. However, lately I've been strapped for cash. However, after using a short free trial of anti-malware software, my computer is running good as of now.
Not often, to be honest. When I remember to, I'll use the disk cleanup thing to get rid of some old and unused files. I usually avoid keeping things I don't use on my laptop so it's not something I need to do all the time