If your house was about to burn down,

My bank card, so I could pay for a hotel room for the night.

That's a depressingly practical answer, but I don't have any particularly sentimental items.
My external hard drive. LOL
My laptop (of course :p ). Then, as many of my model trains as I could. Then, probably my drawings, if I still had time.
Probably my laptop and my tablet; they're always in my bag, so that'd be an easy thing to pick up.
I wouldn't really care about saving any items as long as my family was safe. ^^ Items can be replaced, and nothing I own is incredibly valuable.
I would grab my truck keys and my dog then drive over to my parents house.
I'd get everyone out of the house. Their safety is my top priority. You can always get new stuff later.
We have a suitcase and a box with important documentation (birth certificates, passports etc.) so that would get saved first Then maybe my PS5 :p
Seriously tho, yes my family of course....
Aside from my family (including pets) I would grab my computer and important documents (birth certificates, car title, etc) everything else is replaceable I think.
Good thread! I've seriously thought about this since my husband's aunt's house burned down 30 years ago. I wondered what I would grab in the very few minutes you have to get out of the house. For the longest time I actually had things put in one spot to grab easily such as my purse and baby photos of my daughter. This was before you had photos on the internet and now I have things in the cloud so I don't feel so compelled to save those albums as I once did.

So what would I grab now? My purse is probably the thing I would think to grab first on my way out the door. I'd probably pull one vehicle out of the garage too if I could, depending on where the fire was located.

The things I would want to take but probably wouldn't think about or have time would be the birth certificates, social security cards, passports and the mini safe we have that contains our life insurance policy papers.
My parents have an emergency fire-proof bag stored in their garage. They did this so if the fire is in the house, all they have to do is grab car keys and exit the house.
My parents have an emergency fire-proof bag stored in their garage. They did this so if the fire is in the house, all they have to do is grab car keys and exit the house.

That is such a brilliant idea. I will have to do this for my family.
My parents have an emergency fire-proof bag stored in their garage. They did this so if the fire is in the house, all they have to do is grab car keys and exit the house.
Wow! Coolness. My Dad keeps a fire proof safe in his house.