Shows you wish hadn't been cancelled?


Certified Mediaphile
The Sextronauts
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For me:

I loved the concept of the show. I also loved the characters and the small town dynamic, reminded me a lot of my own personal life.

Terra Nova
Shame that the show's big budget caused all sorts of financial woes that led to its cancellation.
Third Watch and ER.

Those were the first series that I really got into when I was a teen and I have fond memories of family nights on Fridays where we would order pizza and then watch these shows together (they conveniently came on one after the other starting at 7pm).

Good times. I own all seasons of ER on DVD and may have all of the seasons of Third Watch as well. Gotta relive those memories you know?
Being Human - It had four seasons and was one of my favourite shows, but they managed to wrap it up pretty nicely.

Outsiders - Loved this one :( Kyle Gallner is one of my favourite actors and the show was great, and something different. Unfortunately they couldn't find a network to move to during cancellation talks.

That one was fun, could have kept going on for a while.

Game of Thrones after Season 7.... because lets face it, Season 8 was not Game of Thrones.
There was a show that was canned but I can't remember it now.
The other mention goes to A.P Bio but that was fortunately un-cancelled recently so I'm very happy about that!
Futurama. It's a shame they stopped producing episodes. It was a great show and there were so many great moments where I couldn't stop laughing at the comedy!
There was this one show that my hubby and I use to watch and it was called Invasion. That show got cancelled at the end of the first season and it ticked me off to no end. The reason being was the show ended their season on a cliff hanger despite not getting picked up for another season.

I think a show should have 2 different endings. If your show gets picked up for another season, then you can end the show on a cliff hanger because you know people who watch it are going to get to see it again so you can continue the story. If the show doesn't get picked up for another season, then you can have a different ending that isn't a cliff hanger and gives whoever watches the show a little bit better of an ending than not having any answers at all.
Teen Titans, it's still my favorite cartoon to date and it makes me upset knowing that terrible spinoff Go has lasted much longer than the original series. >_> In just three years from now if Go is still on the air it'll be on the air for 10 years wtf! Also Firefly ended way too soon, it only lasted one season and it did get a movie but that's it. (Of course it has comics too, never read them though.)
I always wanted to see more of rurouni kenshin back then but it was cancelled due to legal problems (the author was found guilty of pedophile actions) and so, we'll never see anything from it again.
Robot Wars. I watched it obsessively when it was first on in the late 1990s and early 2000s (I was a big fan of Hypno-Disc, though I did also like Razer :p ).

I also watched the 2016-18 revival, and I thought it was a real shame it got cancelled so quickly. The first couple of series had some format issues, which the third series largely fixed - but by then, I guess it was too late...