The worse thing that ever bit you

My grandpa's dog. When I was 7 years old. I learned not to go around his dog or touch his dog.

When his dog bit, it'd draw blood and it hurt like a motherf***er and I didn't want the next bite to be in the face. I honestly don't know why he wouldn't take that dog out back and shoot it. Everyone in my family hated that dog. It attacked my grandmother once out in the garage and they still kept him. She fell on her back and has had issues from it since than. It attacked my aunt and bloodied up her hand and she had to get stitches. We were all happy when his dog went blind and died from diabetes.
I don't remember it but I would say when a dog bit me on the face when I was a toddler. I now have a small scar at the bridge of my nose and forehead.
I never really got bit by anything out of the usual, but I have stepped on a wasp before in my bare feet. That hurts like hell!
What’s the worse thing that ever bit you?
It was a scorpion 🦂 that bit me when I was still a kid. It hurt like hell. I can still remember how painful it was years ago. I passed out from the pains when I was being treated.
If I remember rightly it was in 2018 and I believe I was bitten by a horsefly as there were warnings going out in the summer of that year about them being quite bad and they could be found near water. We had a pool out in the garden and it was after I had been out in the garden to put some washing out to dry that I came back in and realized I had been bitten. Thought nothing of it at first but a few days later the bite got worse and I ended up with an infection and needed antibiotics from the doctors. The infection made me feel tired and ill for a little while.
It was a scorpion 🦂 that bit me when I was still a kid. It hurt like hell. I can still remember how painful it was years ago. I passed out from the pains when I was being treated.
That sounds painful. I'm sorry that happened to you.
My sister's pitbull bit me. I was lying on the couch with him next to me. Then he bit me.