When did you start caring about the lives of celebrities?


She walks with grace
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When did you start caring about the lives of celebrities?

For me, it was probably when I was about 12. My mom used to buy those gossip papers like the Inquirer and it gave news about what celebrities were doing. Once she stopped ordering the magazines, I no longer cared anymore LOL
I've never really cared about celebrities lives. I know it gets published everywhere and it's a huge industry to follow them around like what they do in their lives matters, but to me they're just people. They can do whatever they want in their lives as far as I'm concerned :)
I don’t follow too many celebrities. Taylor Swift would be one of the few exceptions, but that would be because I love her. :p

I’ve probably followed her life legitimately since learning how to use the web freely.
I don't particulary "care", just know a few, but most of them are athletes, like MJ23, LBJ, famous chess players.. and football players like Messi, Ronaldo etc. but because media floods with info about them.
it should be my high school days I was so fond of some actors and actresses especially Nollywood stars of those days but it had fade with Time
I don't care about the lives of celebrities. Why should I care about their life when they don't care about mine?
I started caring about the lives of celebrities when I was about 9-10 because I had a few favorite artists. As I grow older, I was no longer interested in doing so.