Sticky Chit Chat Lounge

Nice. Enjoy it :)

What is everyone else up to today?
Thank Ash. I ended up going gym again today, did legs and abs. Bloody hate leg day but had to be done! Now just chillaxing on the computer, typing away! :D
Nice. One day I'll convince myself to get to the gym. Until then, I'll be using Coronavirus as an excuse for not going ?
So I've been severely ill over the weekend, I thought I had corona at one point but it was just a very harsh chesty cough and a little temperature. Luckily, the third symptom (loss of taste and smell) didn't occur and I'm fully fine now. Ended up getting a flu jab today and head to the gym. Life is good.
God damn that must have been a hell of a scare, though. :(
Good evening everyone, hope everyone has had a great day!
Nope. Not true. Phenom was busy being distracted by she devils!
*INSERT DANCING DEVIL GIF HERE * (gifs are broken for the moment :()
Ey all how are you guys?
Great thanks. So happy that it is finally FRIDAY! How are you?
Happy Friday all! How are you? Today, because it’s yet another awfully cold, wet, dark and depressing day outside, just enjoying my usual TV show before lulling myself to sleep tonight.
Happy Friday Naiwen. We've got awful and dull weather over here in the UK as well :(