Sticky Chit Chat Lounge

Interesting driving lesson today. Had quite a lot of deer just dart in front of us. Didn't hit anything but a van going the other way hit one
Ewww, Monday. A pretty chilled Monday though luckily so not too bad. Not looking forward to the rest of the week, I'm going to be hella busy

Nope. Not true. Phenom was busy being distracted by she devils!
False, I did have access problems! I was banned by the host for some stupid reason. But I had to go home this past weekend, found out that my grandma is terminally ill.
Sorry about your grandma. You have my condolences.
Thanks man, it's rough. I lost my grandpa, her husband, two years ago and now to know that I'm losing her too, it's a tough pill to swallow. I'd rather she pass peacefully in her sleep like he did than to be in pain long-term.
My car got out from heavy maintenance, the radiator circuit was all rusty.
For some reason I can only access this forum from my phone. I'm unable to do so on my PC.
Your IP probably got banned, that's what happened to me. Ash will have to get your IP and have the host unblock or whitelist you. Some weird security protocol flagged you
