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  1. Igba

    Reading with the tv on or off?

    When I read, I need complete quietness. It's not like sleeping with music playing in the background for me. Once there's any sort of noise, I'll not be able to focus on what I'm reading.
  2. Igba

    Who wants to get back into gaming?

    I have never stopped playing video games and not to talk about getting back into it. It's one of my favorite hobbies which I'm not planning on quiting anytime soon.
  3. Igba

    Witnessed a crime

    I haven't had the privilege to witness a crime go down live. It's not something that I would be interested in seeing because it might not go well being present when it goes down. It's only in movies that I have seen that.
  4. Igba

    The most evil thing you’ve done

    There was a Rapelay Simulation game that I played some time ago and it was a horrible game. You rape a mother and her 2 daughters in the game.
  5. Igba

    The worse thing that ever bit you

    It was a scorpion 🦂 that bit me when I was still a kid. It hurt like hell. I can still remember how painful it was years ago. I passed out from the pains when I was being treated.
  6. Igba

    Continue to wear masks

    Those masks makes me very uncomfortable. I have it in my wallet but I don't wear it if it's not a must for me to do so. Last year, it was mandatory to wear it in banks and hospital but it's not too strict in banks.
  7. Igba

    Dog owners,

    I would never see myself hating on dogs for any reason whatsoever. They are lovely animals and they are even more loyal than most human beings.
  8. Igba

    How do you usually get rid of headaches?

    Paracetamol have never worked for me in taking care of headaches. It's why I have never considered it as a drug for once in my life. It's either I take Ibuprofen or Sudrex.
  9. Igba

    Your favourite Authors of all Time?

    Over the last few years, I have started loving to read George R.R Martin books. They are full of intriguing tales and suspenseful storyline. I'm reading Fire & Blood right now and I'm enjoying it so much.
  10. Igba

    Anyone loves Soccer?

    Of course yes, I love football. It's football that we call it here and not soccer. It's USA that only calls it soccer. I started watching football from my childhood and till date, I still enjoy it. My favourite club is Manchester City.
  11. Igba

    What is your favorite simulation game

    Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 is my favourite simulation game. It's so realistic that you won't be able to tell that it's not a video game. I'm playing it's DLC expansion Top Gun : Maverick now.
  12. Igba

    "You should never trust...".

    As much as I know that most human beings can't be trusted, I still know that there are still some people who are still worth giving our trust but make sure that they are worth it before doing so.
  13. Igba

    How often do you browse with your phone ?

    Every singe day!! There's no day that passes by that I don't make use of my smartphone to browse the internet. It's why I don't visit website's that are not mobile friendly.
  14. Igba

    What do you look for first?

    If it's possible to find the life of all my loved one's that are dead, it's the only thing that I would look for because they are priceless to me. I want to have them back with me alive again.
  15. Igba

    Makes you feel nervous

    It's either walking past a big truck or even driving past it or it overtaken me. It makes me so nervous like I'm about to die. It's why I do not go near long trucks.
  16. Igba

    Anyone loves Batman?

    Batman is my favourite DC character. I really enjoyed the last release of the Batman movie. It's more like the best Batman movie that's ever been made by DC.
  17. Igba

    Things you used to like

    I used to be very active in gambling and sports betting. After a while, I have started to lose interest in it because I have lost more than I planned to and realised that it's not the right path.
  18. Igba

    Who drives in the snow?

    It's very dangerous and challenging to drive when it's snowing or even after a heavy snow. I hate it so much because it impedes movement. I rather drive when it's raining than snowing.
  19. Igba

    Discord VS Reddit VS Forums

    That's a fact. A lot of forums have be blown into oblivion all because of those social media sites that you have mentioned and even more especially TikTok. I still use forums often and on.
  20. Igba

    Anyone a Witcher fan?

    I also enjoy playing The Witcher 3 : Wild Hunt. It's a very good game. It's one of my best open world game. I also like the Witcher TV series. Netflix is developing a new Witcher series.